Monday, January 16, 2012

22 years

Twenty two years ago today, I was admitted to hospital with a Type 1 diabetes diagnosis. I'm pleased to have survived all these years, virtually complication-free (i.e., if one doesn't count in the occasional hypo-unawareness), yet I'm also saddened by the fact that the promised cure still seem far away. The more I've learn, especially from my education in biomedicine, I've come to think that we will not see a cure until we learn to manage the immune system as well as replace the beta cells that the former mentioned immune system has killed off. This is tricky, and although I hope that it will happen some day, I'm not holding my breath. Instead, I enjoy life despite of diabetes - something which has become far more easy with the technologies of current time, such as insulin pumps, smaller and faster BG-meters, not to forget continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGMs).

Cheers to the first 22 years - I'm off to "celebrate" by working late in the MS-lab :-/


Pearlsa said...

Congratulations on 22 years! :-)

mariana said...

Good afternoon,

I am presently doing my dissertation, in the context of the Master's Degree in Industrial Design at the Faculty of Engineering of Porto - Portugal, in the area of Diabetes Mellitus Type 1.

My interest in this disease appears when my boyfriend was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes was diagnosed and later also my cousin.

Thus, arises the interest to do my dissertation on medical devices used in controlling diabetes. The purpose of this dissertation is to perform a new device is noninvasive and allows a greater affection and connection with the diabetic as well as better control of the disease.

It is essential to the views of type 1 diabetics to understand their needs, preferences and frustrations were carried out two questionnaires, one aimed at adults and adolescents and the other addressed to children (parents can help answer).

Questionnaire on Medical Devices used in the treatment of Type I Diabetes Mellitus - Directed at Diabetics type 1 (Adolescents and Adults). For the filling, go to:

Questionnaire on Medical Devices used in the treatment of Type I Diabetes Mellitus – Directed at Diabetics type I (Children). For the filling, go to:

I found your blog and thought it would be a good way of divulgation. So, I wonder if it could be possible.

Thank you for your attention.
Best regards.